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Author: Amin Tabibzada
Publish Date: September 2, 2021

Dry skin is formed by lack of water and fat, causing tightened responses to cause in your skin and make you look older and more wrinkly. This type of skin has redness, its appearance is rough and has a tendency to cramp. It is usually thinner and its thinness is more likely to cause irritation and in most cases allergic reactions. In addition to this, dryness is the main factor of premature aging. In the long run, dry skin can become sensitive and reactive if you do not take care of it the correct way. In this article, we will show you outstanding hacks to overcome dry skin and live into a shiny beautiful skin. It is possible with a few tips and tricks that we are about to share with you. Find out more about remedy to dry skin.

With age, the skin becomes drier and thinner because cell renewal becomes slower. It also decreases the secretion of sebum and this affects the regeneration of its protective barrier, which causes your skin to turn oily. Factors such as your diet, too much alcohol, smoking or even some medications can contribute to increased dryness in the skin. Exposure to different weather climates, such as wind, cold, sun, low humidity environments, heat or even chlorine in swimming pools can make your skin dry, puffy and itchy. This process makes it easier for the sufferer to age. I am sure you don’t want that happening to you, so keep on reading to find out how to avoid this situation.

Often dry skin can be confused with dehydrated skin. This irregularity not only affects people with dry skin but can also affect those with not so much obvious dryness. Despite the myth, drinking lots of water is not enough to help hydrated skin, since this is the last organ in the body to absorb it. For this reason, it is highly recommended to take care of them with a suitable cosmetic cream or treatment to maintain they’re completely hydrated. In other words, you need to target your face specifically to avoid dryness, rather targeting the whole body.

A good daily hygiene and facial care routine improves the appearance of dry skin and puffy eyes that need specific eye care, reinforces its protective barrier and prevents water loss, which reduces the tightening feeling. Using vaseline, sorbolene or related body care products is essential, and of course choose the most organic types, the more natural the better. Vegetable oils do not obstruct pores and are highly beneficial to dry skin, for example. This is another great remedy to dry skin.

Cleaning is an essential step in any facial routine. A cleansing milk that includes vegetable oils is a good alternative instead of soaps or cleaning gels with strong detergents such as sulphates and other properties. This is because they clean aggressively but won’t dry your skin like regular soaps, and this prepares it for the subsequent treatment.

It is also advised to apply a moisturising facial cream that hydrates your skin intensely and regularly, helping to maintain the elasticity of the skin. And for a more complete treatment you can use a moisturizing serum, since it does the same job as a complete facial treatment and includes the same properties or you can also apply a moisturising mask, once or twice a week.

Natural ingredients, such as vegetable oils, unlike silicones or paraffins, do not obstruct pores and are highly beneficial to dry skin. In addition, these products may contain other natural active ingredients such as damascena rose, which hydrates and regenerates the skin, or algae extracts, which provide firmness and elasticity. Aloe Vera is also the perfect treatment for dry skin. It contains antioxidants, enzymes, Vitamins A and C, and is highly anti-inflammatory. It can help treat burns, acne and dry skin. But aloe vera works best on superficial surface acne and burns rather than cystic or deeper abrasions.

The difference between a product based oil-extracted mineral oil and a certified natural cream with a base of vegetable oils is that this will always treat the skin in a safe and healthy way. However, a cream with a base of mineral oils, will create a wrap on the skin (sort of like cling wrap) that will initially provide a smooth sensation but in the long run will prevent perspiration and oxygenation.

So in the long run if you maintain your skin with these natural ingredient treatments and organic cream products, your skin will love you and will stay hydrated. It will have improved elasticity, be more bouncier, softer, firmer, and will slow down the aging process as well as reduce dryness.

Finally, a splash of cold water a few times during the day will make your skin firmer, and feel younger and help reduce dryness on your skin altogether. So, apart from morning, try to splash cold water at lunch and evening as a daily routine and see the difference for yourself. I hope find the above remedy to dry skin useful.

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